The Need for Speed (Wheel Speed Sensor Maintenance)
August 28, 2022
Today's vehicles have some pretty amazing technology in them, including a computerized braking system we all pretty much take for granted these days. Antilock brake systems (ABS) have been around for years but they help drivers stop in much shorter distances reliably than ever before. When you ... More

Defensive Driving in Perryville, Missouri
August 21, 2022
There was a man in the Perryville area who learned that most car accidents occur within a mile of home so he moved. (Just kidding!)When we think of defensive driving, we often focus on our local Missouri highway situations. The fact of the matter is we need to be just as careful close to home ... More

Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Wheel Bearings
August 14, 2022
Why are wheel bearings for Perryville vehicles important? It's simple: your wheel bearings keep the wheels on your vehicle. In today's Charlie's Fast Lube Perryville post, we'll discuss more about wheel bearings and how you can make sure they can do their very job while you drive around Perryvill... More

Fuel Saving Tip: Slow Down in Perryville
August 7, 2022
Theres not much Perryville drivers can do about the price of gas in Missouri, but we can control - up to a point - how much we use. Our driving habits can dramatically affect our fuel economy.The first thing we can do is watch the go-pedal. Hard acceleration just sucks the gas. Gently leave stop ... More